Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth)

Fabienne Audéoud
october 24th - november 30th, 2019
opening : october 23th, 6 - 9 pm

Press release EN/FR

Fabienne Audéoud, Audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), Island Brussels
Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), 2019, exhibition view, Island, Brussels.

Fabienne Audéoud, Audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), Island Brussels
Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), 2019, exhibition view, Island, Brussels.

Fabienne Audéoud, Audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), Island Brussels
Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), 2019, exhibition view, Island, Brussels.

Fabienne Audéoud, Audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), Island Brussels
Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), 2019, exhibition view, Island, Brussels.

Fabienne Audéoud, Audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), Island Brussels
Little wolve, 2018-2019, fabric, stuffing and painted polymer clay, 35 x 15 x 10 cm, Island, Brussels.

Fabienne Audéoud, Audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), Island Brussels
Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), 2019, exhibition view, Island, Brussels.

Fabienne Audéoud, Audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), Island Brussels
Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), 2019, exhibition view, Island, Brussels.

Fabienne Audéoud, Audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), Island Brussels
Little wolve, 2018-2019, fabric, stuffing and painted polymer clay on cardboard, 35 x 15 x 10 cm, Island, Brussels.

Fabienne Audéoud, Audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), Island Brussels
Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), 2019, exhibition view, Island, Brussels.

Fabienne Audéoud, Audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), Island Brussels
Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), 2019, exhibition view, Island, Brussels.

Fabienne Audéoud, Audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), Island Brussels
Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), 2019, exhibition view, Island, Brussels.

Fabienne Audéoud, Audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), Island Brussels
Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), 2019, exhibition view, Island, Brussels.

Fabienne Audéoud, Audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), Island Brussels
Little wolves, 2018-2019, fabric, stuffing and painted polymer clay, 35 x 15 x 10 cm each, Island, Brussels.

Fabienne Audéoud, Audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), Island Brussels
Little wolve, 2018-2019, fabric, stuffing and painted polymer clay, 35 x 15 x 10 cm, Island, Brussels.

Fabienne Audéoud, Audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), Island Brussels
Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), 2019, exhibition view, Island, Brussels.

Fabienne Audéoud, Audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), Island Brussels
Floky (flou), 2019, oil on canvas, 70 x 100 cm, Island, Brussels.

Fabienne Audéoud, Audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), Island Brussels
Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), 2019, exhibition view, Island, Brussels.

 fabienne audéoud, audeoud, soloshow, Self-Realization In A Less Than Good Society (after Axel Honneth), non profit art space Brussels, artist run space, Island Brussels

Island is supported by Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, Fondation Roi Baudouin, COCOF and Duvel Moortgat.
FédérationWB bruxelles capitale COCOF vedett