
Untitled (Silver), Patrick Carpentier, 2018

Patrick Carpentier, Untitled (Silver)
Silver, 2.8 x 0,4 cm x 0.8 gr
Edition of 100 + 20 AP

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Land Van Waaslaan Serie II

Tim Onderbeke, Land Van Waaslaan Serie II, silkscreen on Hellweiss
hahnemüle, 29,7 x 42 cm, edition of 7, 300€

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Patrick Brichard, Absolument impossible, print on Canson paper, 29,7 x 42 cm, edition of 50, 75 €.

Patrick Brichard, C'est en plusieurant, print on Canson paper, 100 x 70 cm, edition of 50, 75 €.

Patrick Brichard, Pensées animales, print on Canson paper, 29,7 x 42 cm, edition of 50, 75 €.

Patrick Brichard, Impatient de te connaitre, print on Canson paper, 29,7 x 42 cm, edition of 50, 75 €.

Patrick Brichard, Il y a un tout, print on Canson paper, 29,7 x 42 cm, edition of 50, 75 €.

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Island is supported by Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, Fondation Roi Baudouin, COCOF and Drogenbos Brewery.

FédérationWB Fondation Roi Baudouin COCOF drogenbos, brasserie, brewery